Please visit our online store for service parts and repair kits.
Repair kits and parts for Toyota Land Cruisers, and other import 4WDs and cars.

RADD Cruisers has relocated to the Kamloops region. We are a small online business offering a diverse range of repair kits and repair parts for Toyota Land Cruisers as well as other makes and models of imported light trucks and cars.
Service Kits and individual Parts are currently available through our Online Store which is constantly being updated to reflect market demands.
We service a few vehicles each month but only by personal appointment until we find a new shop space
If you are looking for vehicle repairs and maintenance, here are some places to try:
Marigold Service (Victoria) – Call 250.744.5787 to book an appointment. Marigold is operated by a small but dedicated staff and is now managed by Liam, but still owned by Judith and Ray Attfield. Marigold Service works on many different makes and models of RHD and JDM vehicles, including Land Cruisers.
Parkside Motors (Victoria) – Call 250.382.1118 to book an appointment for your RHD or JDM vehicle. Located in close to downtown Victoria, Parkside Motors services most makes and models of vehicles and is providing service for Delica, Land Cruisers and other RHD imports.
Firestorm Mechanical (Crofton) – Jonathan at 250.709.7820 (leave a message) – Located in Crofton, on Vancouver Island, Firestorm is a small independently run by appointment only repair shop that specializes in diesel engine repairs and rebuilding, one-off repairs, specialty work along with regular repairs and servicing. Jonathan is a licensed Heavy Duty and Diesel Technician, as well as licensed Marine Technician.
Millson Motor Works (Chemainus) – Rob at 250.324.3540 – Located near Chemainus, on Vancouver Island. Rob runs a small by appointments only shop that specializes in meticulous restoration and repairs to Toyota Land Cruisers and other select vehicles. Appointments must be made well in advance as this small shop is often booked months ahead of time.
Kamloops, BC